Northern District Progressive Women's Center

Portsmouth, Dominica (#445-4186)
President: Ms Angelica Pierre Louis,
Vice President: Miss Catherine Kate
Treasurer: Sandra Banis
Volunteer Staff:
Jess Trudeau,

Mary Steinke,
Kelsey Christensen,
Stef Dragon,   

Call for Donations  Please contact Jess Trudeau, if you have extra supplies which you would like to donate to the Women's Center. Needed supplies include used but nice quality clothing to sell in shop, kitchen supplies, fans, printing paper & ink,  fabric & sewing materials, Arts & Crafts materials (scizzors, paper, paint, glue,etc), and anything else which you think might be utilized. Thank you so much in advance for your generosity!  


Skills Workshops are currently in session

Only 25 ec for 8 classes! 10ec registration fee.
ARTS & CRAFTS, Thursdays 3-4:30pm: printing, book making, market bags, beading, clothing design, basketmaking, wallets, and more!
COMPUTER, Thursdays beginner 4-5pm, advanced 5-6pm: internet efficiency, cover letter, resume, blogging, email, etc.
SEWING, Tue & Weds 4-6pm: basic & advanced
HOSPITALITY & COOKING, Mon 4-7 & Th 5-7pm: explore your culinary repertoire!
Leadership and counseling, Fridays 1:30-3pm    CALL OR COME SOON!    LIMITED SPACES!   tel. 445 4186   Location: corner of Grand Bi & Scott’s Street by Benjamin’s Park, Portsmouth
Organization Overview:   Northern District Progressive Women’s Club.  A cultural women’s cooperative that fosters artistic creativity as a means of empowering low-income women to assume a greater level of control over their physical surroundings and economic activities.
Program Abstract:   Through a variety of programs and services, we seek to serve individual women in need, while also working to eradicate the broader social and institutional barriers that continue to impact women’s lives.
Proposal:    To make available for women in the target community a thriving recreational and social space that provides a safe haven and opportunities for personal and economic development. 
Project Summary:   Help introduce new ideas and restore a multitude of skills to the women of northern Dominica. Assisting an already existing women’s center  in the town of Portsmouth by working with board members to establish intention, outline goals, and revamp the center into a flourishing, vibrant community outreach center for women to come together and learn highly valuable life skills.
    New Mural at the Women's Center:
      Renovations of shop, before and after:
                Images of Skills Workshops:
Photos by Jess Trudeau  
Organizational Model:   An independent socially responsible not for profit business.
Project Intention: 
*Create a comfortable environment exclusive to women through recreational               resources and activities.                                                                                                                     *Social development through educational projects, workshops, and classes. *Economic development through vocational training. Ie. Small business development.
Target Audience:   All women who are looking to appropriate new skills ie. sewing, handcrafts, baking, computer skills that can assist them in generating finances, build self-esteem, and create self worth and  independence. Women aged 14-25 target for violence prevention/intervention, outreach, job training, parenting skills, coping skills.  Ages 20+  target for business development, protection, home financing, domestic abuse, self worth & assertiveness.
Programming or Project Ideas: 
Revitalize Store-  Acquire donated paints and labor to repaint the inside of the center’s store to give it a new, modern, vibrant feel. (Supply donation from Harris Paints).
Teach Workshops and Vocational Classes-  On a variety of Sewing  and Arts & Crafts Projects: bags, aprons, pillows, clothing, etc . Quilting, Handcraft, Textile Design, Tie-dye, Batik, Applique, Printmaking with linoleum & vegetables onto clothing or stationary, Bookmaking, Drawing & Painting, Beading & bracelet braiding, Weaving, modifying recycled clothing .  Also lead workshops in computer & internet skills.
Community Outreach-  Enter local schools and raise awareness about the center’s project opportunities and bring craft project samples. Organize community beach cleanup, mural projects, networking with other organizations, lead outdoor trips, encourage local volunteerism.
Lead Health Related Workshops-  Invite local women leaders and role models to the center. Lecture topics on the importance of healthy living, Naturopathy, medical awareness, eating locally, preserving/pickling food & making essential oils- focusing on bioregional resources. Offer yoga classes, Cooking classes, Self defense classes and Music classes. Also increasing awareness of issues that impact women by offering lectures on such important topics as child care, family planning, restrictions in access to education and jobs, battering, human trafficking, and child abuse. Organize at Health Fair centered around women’s reproductive health and  breastfeeding and workshops centered around crisis outreach, conflict resolution, and teacher trainings.
Create Mural-  Lead a mural project somewhere onsite or in the community dealing with issues that plague local women. Create awareness on this topic through the art piece. Invite other branches of the women’s club to participate.
Summer Youth Classes-  Through fundraising offer reasonably priced classes for young women in sewing and crafting. (May-July)
Advertising-  Solicit media exposure for the center through making a new sign to put at the entrance of Portsmouth, make posters, brochures, flyers and present to public forums.
Fundraising and Grant Writing-  Explore financial resources from local government, international, and private funding to acquire resources for the women’s center. These financial revenues can go toward supplies, advertising, rent of space, or the payment of local employees. Includes broad spectrum of international grant writing, as well as small scale fundraising like selling baked goods out of the women’s center or in the community.
Creating Community Within-  Encourage social structure by activities such as a movie night, literature readings and celebration of local holidays.
Sustainability:    Encourage teamwork within the organization by establishing weekly, monthly, or bimonthly meetings between board members to encourage communication, support, functionality, and project development.
            *Increase awareness of WRC as a resource for safety and empowerment.
            * Gain quantitative and qualitative understanding of how programs and  
                  services impact women.
            *Provide necessary skills needed to women’s everyday lives in Dominica.
            *Create a social network in the community of Portsmouth.
Desired Outcome:  Build on the initial roster of scheduled classes and formalize the curriculum of the Center. We also hope to engage and train an active community of local women leaders who can help to make the Center self- sustainable. Also lay the bedrock of a relationship with other counseling and support groups for women that can be partners in the growth of the Center.
Possibilities for the Future:  Women’s Scholarship Initiative, Classes on Primary Education, Micro credit program through local non-profits, host Interns.
 Jobs Ahead:
 *Create a budget for Fixed Costs (one time purchases, ie. Sewing machines) and for Operating Costs (ie. Rent, utilities, maintenance, instructor fees, phone, ongoing supply purchases like paint and fabric).
*Research prospective donors ie. Dominica’s National Consulate for Women, The Women’s Social League of the Roman Catholic Church, The Methodist Women’s Organization, The North Northeastern Tourism & Development Board, several international agencies including UNESCO, UNICEF, and the United States Peace Corps. Also look into local organizations that support the arts such as the Cultural Division, Dominica Festivals Commission, and the Movement for Cultural Awareness.
*Gauge awareness in level of interest of local government & public officials.
*Delegate responsibilities and instructors.
*Conduct research on problems confronting women through grassroots interviewing and online research.
*Seek partnership with local individuals and organizations.
*Keep documentation and comprehensive record of activities; document progress, gather responses from events from the community, and report on the success of these events. Report will include analysis of possible causes for the success/ failure of any event.
*Organize an exhibition in the community to showcase talents of local women.


  1. What a great thing you are doing for the women of Dominica, Jess! You are a fantastic person, and I am glad to know you :)

  2. I am Vice Chairman of the National Association of Women's Clubs in the UK and took a photo of your building, which I posted on, when on a tour of the island. I had arrived at Portsmouth harbour on Star Clipper with only a few hours ashore. How I wish I'd had time to call in and meet with you.
    Your organisation sounds fantastic and has much, and even more, of the ethos and endeavours to improve women' lives as the NAWC
    Janice Bayliss
